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Prepare Local Environment

We have made it easy to get started working on TerediX codebase. You can follow the steps below to get started.


  • Docker

Clone the repository

git clone
cd terediX

Run TerediX inside Docker

We have a Docker image for development purpose. You can run the following command to start the development server.

docker run -i -d --name teredix-dev \
-v $(pwd):/home/app/src \
-p 3000:3000 \
-p 2112:2112 \

Access the development environment

You can access development environment in Docker container by running the following command:

docker exec -it teredix-dev bash

Then, you can go to the project root

su app
cd ~/src/

Test the development environment

make test-unit

Run website

cd website
yarn install
yarn start --host= --port=3000

Now in your browser, you can access the website at http://localhost:3000

Voila! You are ready to contribute to TerediX.