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Contributing to TerediX is a great way to help the open source community. We appreciate contributions of all kinds, from code to documentation, from small tweaks to significant features. Here are some of the ways you can contribute:

Contribute to Codebase

If you're looking to code, start by checking out our issues. Here's how you can contribute:

  • Tackle Existing Issues: Look for issues labeled good first issue or help wanted for ideas to start contributing.
  • Submit Pull Requests: If you have a fix or feature in mind, feel free to create an issue first to discuss it. After the idea is fleshed out, submit a pull request (PR) for review.
  • Write Tests: Help improve the project's reliability and coverage by writing tests.

Participate in Discussions

Join the conversation on open issues:

  • Provide Feedback: Share your insights or propose new ideas.
  • Answer Questions: Help out others by answering questions you're knowledgeable about.
  • Engage in Code Reviews: Provide constructive feedback on open PRs.

Improve Documentation

Good documentation is crucial for any project. Here's how you can help:

  • Update Outdated Content: Refresh any documentation that's out of date.
  • Add Missing Pieces: Contribute additional information where you see gaps.
  • Enhance Readability: Improve the structure or clarity of the documentation.

Documentation updates can be submitted as PRs, just like code.

Support Through Sponsorship

Your financial support can make a big difference:

  • Sponsor the Project: Contributions can help maintainers dedicate more time to the project. Check out our sponsorship page for more details.

How to Get Started

Ready to contribute? Here's how to get started:

  1. Fork the Repository: Create your own fork of TerediX.
  2. Clone Your Fork: Work locally on your own machine.
  3. Create a Branch: Always work on a new branch for your changes.
  4. Commit Your Changes: Write clear, concise commit messages.
  5. Submit a Pull Request: Push your changes to your fork and open a PR against the main TerediX repository.

For more detailed instructions, check our

Stay Connected

Stay up-to-date with the project:

  • Follow on GitHub: Watch the repository for new issues and updates.
  • Join Our Community: Participate in discussions, meetups, and events.

Thank you for considering a contribution to TerediX. Your efforts are what keep the open source community vibrant and growing!

This contributing guide is open to updates. Feel free to submit a PR to improve it!

Contributions are welcome! Please follow the guidelines outlined in the CONTRIBUTING file.