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Deploy terediX in Kubernetes

Deploy in Kubernetes using Helm Chart

It's very simple to install terediX in Kubernetes. You can install using Helm chart. Here are the simplest steps to follow.

Add Helm Repository

helm repo add teredix
helm repo update

Add Configuration

Create a separate helm values file and override necessary configuration. Specially you need to provide the configuration for terediX.

Create a values-prod.yaml file and put the following content. You can override any configuration as you need. Read more about terediX configuration.

# organization:
# name: Your Organization
# logo:
# discovery:
# name: Name of the discovery
# description: Some description about the discovery
# worker_pool_size: 1
# storage:


After that, just install terediX using the following command.

helm install teredix teredix/teredix --namespace teredix -f values-prod.yaml

For more useful Helm commands, please follow the official documentation of Helm.

For details about terediX helm chart, go to terediX Helm Chart in ArtifactHub